Review: SQLbits Manchester 2019

Who has never been to a SQLbits conference will be in for a little shock. Conference by name, but geekfest in appearance, this SQLbits is a special beast in the world of SQLserver conventions. Most eyecatching is “the infamous SQLbits party”, where this year there was a party around the theme of the roaring twenties; gambling, Al Capone, Charleston dancers and reliving the frolicks of a post-war period.

What is good about this conference is that there’s a lot of room for networking. As you may have noticed, IT-folks are better with computers than people, and a little more guidance in meeting people is helpful. For example: there are tables for every industry : banking, healthcare etc so you can team up with people in you branch. There was also a pubquiz where we were put in groups of about 6 people and had to answer freakish questions like “How tall was the brother in the lyrics of “I can’t stand losing you” from the Police?”. I’m embarrassed to admit that I knew the answer to that one.

The Man in MANchester

On to the technical sessions. It’s impossible to mention all 150 of them, but generally the quality of them was very good. I went to most of the Powershell sessions, as this is my focus this year. Rob Sewell showed us how to build a threshold monitoring with Pester – a wonderful idea – and connected it to PowerBI for management consumption.

Wonderfull conference, I hope to go next year as well

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